Theme Thesis
Nationality and Class: the Two Approaches to Study Taiwan Folklore during the 1930’
Tsai, Hui-Ju
Investigation and Research Conditions of Taiwan Folk Literature in Recent Forty Years
Lin, Pei-Ya
Copyright and Adaptation of Folklore: A Case of Husluman Vava’s “Dog Prince”
Hsu, Chia-Cheng
Survey on Formulaic Narrative of Paiwan Milimilingan: “Repetitive Pattern of Name” and “Repetition” as Center of Discussion
Tseng, Chi-Wei
A Study of the “E Shi Xia Fan” Legend and “The Giant Nation” Folktale in Taiwan
Cheng, Mei-Hui
Analysis of the Motives of Guoxing Wells: A Case Study of the Guoxing Well of Fengtian Village
Yang, Yu-Jun
On the Characteristics of Folk Tradition in the Lyrics of Taiwanese Opera
Liu, Nan-Fang
One History, Different Perspectives: Multi—Discourses on 228 Incident Fiction and Its Anthologies
Hung, Ying-Hsueh
Literary Evolutionism, Reactive Evolutionism and the Evolution of the Taiwan’s Neo—Traditional Literature
Lai, Song-Huei
Yang Kui’s Social Movement and Political Participation in the Early Post War Period
Huang, Hui-Chen